Monday, August 22, 2011

The Old Days

I thought it would be fun to post old photos.  This is one of my birthday parties, but I'm not sure which year, maybe 10th or 11th birthday.  Present were top row from left:  David, Michelle, Me, Melissa, Kristina.  Bottom row from left:  Brian, Julie (Michelle's sister), and Trent (David's brother).  I hung out quite a bit with David and Trent in my youth, but the others not so much.  Shame I was not nice to Kristina at a slumber party years later, I must admit we put peanut butter in her ear.  No excuse, but I was young. I connected with Kristina on Facebook recently and she is actually a nice person.  Anyway, we all look to be having a good time and notice the cake has a rock band on it, my parents knew me too well. 

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